
Thursday, December 2, 2010

King Me (or) I Glower

I wonder if everything I paint or draw is some form of self-portraiture.

Oh, yeah. This one's definitely me.

Anyhow. I'd really like to say some things. I'd love if someone listened.
Have been awfully self-conscious since reading this excerpt from Ginger Pye; like I'm doing something wrong by referring to myself in the first person.

But I'm me: I'm "I".
How could this possibly apply to a journal? Even if it is for public consumption.
So sorry to Jerry and Rachel.


Diana Toledano said...

If these are self portraits I guess I know how you do your make-up.
Loving the smoky eyes anyhow. (Photoshop?)

narthex said...

Yes, Photoshop improv/amateur hour.
Love your work, Diana!